Cigraal manages the international distribution of these brands:

by Eric Piras
Initially a private blend concepted by Eric Piras, these cigars were reserved to friends and family, their secret of excellent quality and reasonable price whispered by those in the know. In response to the enthusiasm of these aficionados, the cigars are now available under the aptly-named brand: Confidenciaal.
Must-have cigar accessories of the best craft and with a unique twist, uniting aficionadas & aficionados in the same clan of sophisticated people with unfailing good taste.
Handcrafted in the Dominican Republic and with an infinite commitment to quality, consistency and excellence, Ashton is celebrated worldwide for the very finest in premium cigars.
The essential Honduran. Completely hand-rolled from whole leaf with the desire to share the taste of a land: Honduras. The pleasure in offering a superb premium cigar. The choice to preserve the craftsmanship’s tradition.
Joya de Nicaragua was established in 1968, making it the very first premium handmade cigar manufacturer in Nicaragua.
Representing four generations of family tradition, every Arturo Fuente cigar carries the personal family touch that makes it one of the world's finest.
With over 35 blends, El Septimo Cigars are hand-rolled in Costa Rica with 100% long filler tobacco using the traditional Entubar Method, undergoing strict quality control.
Eiroa's cigar band says "Salud, Amor y Pesetas", which is an old Spanish saying that means "Health, Love & Wealth". The band represents Eiroa's homage to his heritage that started with his grandfather and spans 100 years of love for making cigars in Honduras.
World-renowned for their love of cigars, this is their eponymous private blend.
This hand-made long leaf cigar offers a full, expressive taste of very good tobacco, at a convenient price. Each cigar smoker can enjoy the luxury of a real smoke.
Cigars without compromise: handcrafted to the most exacting standards.
100% full-bodied tobacco from Nicaragua. This brand was launched in 1999 and by the year 2000 it was nominated Cigar of the Year. Full strength, big taste, characteristic rich tobacco from Nicaragua.
Beautifully crafted with passion and precision in the Garcia family’s advanced cigar factory in Nicaragua.
An original Cuban brand from the late 1800s. Precision blending of the finest, aged Nicaraguan tobaccos with Connecticut Broadleaf wrappers.
Uber-luxury cigars, the quintessential expression of mastering tradition, preserving the savoir-vivre of Old-European excellence and the values that the handmade premium cigar industry has been built on.
The iconic rustic-looking Italian cigar with a unique flavor and rich aromas, Toscano has been produced in Italy since the 19th Century from Kentucky tobacco.
Born from the wish of a consistent smoke not dividing the experience into different thirds, but to provide an evolving smoke from beginning to end
With a unique brand heritage, Azan cigars are made with 100% Cuban Seed Corojo wrappers from Ecuador.
(Hong Kong & Macau)
An affordable wireless multi-sensor monitoring system so that modifications can be made to the humidor's climate control systems and provide assurance that optimum conditions are being maintained.
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